lowRISC 101: Introduction to lowRISC at the RISC-V Summit

With the recent announcement of OpenTitan, we at lowRISC had many great conversations about the work we do to produce high-quality open source hardware and software. A great place to continue these discussions is the RISC-V Summit in San Jose, CA (Dec 10 - 12, 2019). lowRISC will showcase its work in the conference track and in the exhibit hall.

At booth 101, lowRISC will showcase its recent work and our engineers will be around to answer your questions. Stop by if you have questions about OpenTitan, lowRISC in general, or about the LLVM compiler work we’re doing!

If you’re using the LLVM compiler or are planning to use it for your next RISC-V project, we invite you to join Alex’s talk in the conference track. Titled “Production-ready RISC-V Support in LLVM/Clang 9.0 - How we Got There and What’s Next” the talk will retrace the journey to make the RISC-V LLVM backend production ready, an effort which hit a major milestone in August this year, when the RISC-V backend was enabled by default for all LLVM/Clang compiler builds.

See you there! And as always, if you cannot make it to the RISC-V Summit, just drop us a line at info@lowrisc.org!

Quick facts