OS enablement for tagged memory (lowRISC Summer Internship 2017)

Katherine Lim

Project Overview

Tagged memory in lowRISC provides (by default) a 4 bit tag per 8 byte word. Policies are set by tagging data/instructions in memory and modifying a 64-bit control register called tagctrl. More details about tagged memory can be found in the tagged memory section of the tutorial for release 0.4 and in the initial lowRISC memo.

The goal of this internship was to implement OS support for user processes using lowRISC’s tagged memory. This task had several parts. At minimum, multiple processes have to be able to use tags without interfering with each other. I also wanted to support tags being read in from a file for file-backed memory. Finally, I explored some ways that user programs might interface with the tagged memory infrastructure, such as tagging valid branch targets.

I modified both Spike and the Linux kernel throughout the project, and my changes can be found in branches of lowRISC’s Github repos (full details at the end of this document). Hopefully, my work will enable experimentation with different ways user processes might use tagged memory as a basic implementation for others to build on.

Supporting multiple processes

To support multiple processes, I modified typical kernel abstractions used to provide process isolation. Specifically, this involved modifying the context switch code as well as certain aspects of the paging system. Tags on general purpose registers (GPRs) as well as the tagctrl register become part of a process’s state, so they need to be preserved on context switch. Paging gives each process the illusion of its own address space, but in reality, physical pages might be shared or reallocated. When physical pages are shared for copy-on-write, tags must be copied along with data and when pages are reallocated, tags must be cleared.

Context switch

When a context switch occurs, the value of tagctrl and any tags set on the GPRs must be saved. Additionally, when saving GPRs, tagctrl must be set to make sure tags are propagated appropriately and tag exceptions are disabled when performing these stores. Therefore, the context switch code must:


We decided on modifying the definition of the tagctrl register from release 4 to make it easier to reason about tag policies at different privilege levels. The tagctrl register is now unaliased and there are 3 different tagctrl registers (utagctrl, stagctrl, and mtagctrl) with each privilege level using a different tagctrl register: U-mode uses utagctrl, S-mode uses stagctrl, and M-mode uses mtagctrl.

Saving the old tagctrl value and setting tagctrl to enable safe propagation of tags turned out to be quite a tricky problem. Because there is no CSR to CSR move instruction, this sort of movement requires going through a GPR. When you context switch however, no GPRs are available, so you must spill a register before doing anything. Spilling a GPR to the stack though has the potential to cause exceptions. After trying several different solutions, we decided on adding extra scratch CSRs to spill a GPR to when saving the tagctrl registers.

Spike modifications

I began by modifying Spike to have separate utagctrl/stagctrl/mtagctrl registers. To determine which one should be used for tag checking, I also modified instruction wrappers to check privilege level and use the appropriate one.

I added extra scratch CSRs stagctrl_scratch/mtagctrl_scratch for use in saving and restoring stagctrl/mtagctrl on entry to a different privilege level before setting it to save GPRs. This was not strictly a Spike change, because it also involved modifying the encoding.

Finally, I modified Spike to propagate tags to/from certain CSRs. While this was for allowing tags to be propagated to the new scratch CSRs, it also brought the Spike implementation more in line with the FPGA implementation of tags on CSRs. The CSRs which propagate tags are listed in the tagged memory section of release 4.

Software modifications

In the kernel, to save utagctrl of a process and stagctrl, two new fields (utagctrl and stagctrl) were added to the pt_reg struct. I then modified the macros to save and restore stagctrl as appropriate and set stagctrl to disable tag exceptions and to propagate tags on load and store before saving all the GPRs.

In BBL, I made similar modifications to the entry and exit code except using mtagctrl_scratch and mtagctrl. Saving registers is also done just via stack offsets. On every entry to machine mode, the stack pointer is decreased by INTEGER_CONTEXT_SIZE + TAG_CONTEXT_SIZE to make room to save registers, so I added extra space on the stack to save mtagctrl and utagctrl.

Even with the extra CSRs, this ends up being quite a fiddly process to make sure that stagctrl/mtagctrl are saved in a way that won’t cause exceptions and without clobbering any data.


Copy-on-write pages

Copy on write is a way for multiple processes to share a physical page even when the process thinks the page isn’t shared. The most common use of this is for forking processes. The child has a separate copy of the parent’s address space. However, the parent and the child can share the same pages until one of the processes writes to the page, at which point, a copy is actually made. Because the copied page should be indistinguishable from the original, the kernel needs to make sure tags are copied with the data.

Copy-on-write is handled as a specific type of page fault, so supporting copy-on-write involves modifying a couple of functions used in the page fault handling code for copy-on-write faults. I modified the function used for copying data for copy-on-write to have it copy tags as well

Clearing pages

To make sure tags don’t leak from one process to another, either for security reasons or to avoid exceptions, tags need to be cleared from pages before they are reallocated to a different process. I modified the function used to clear pages before allocation to set the tags to 0.

Performance impact of these changes is negligible, because only a couple of constant time operations were added in each case.

Delivering Tag Exceptions to user space

As part of using tags in user programs, we would like to be able to able to deliver tag exceptions to user space and trace back to the source of the exception. We decided to piggyback off of the signal infrastructure used in the Linux kernel and added a new code to distinguish a tag exception from other exceptions causing a SIGILL.

Under the current implementation, Spike generates a trap with the same cause (CAUSE_TAG_CHECK_FAIL) for every tag exception. You can identify that a tag exception has occurred in the kernel via scause (and then pass that to userspace via signal). The user program can also get the faulting address from the siginfo struct. However, it is impossible to identify what kind of tag exception occurred unless you go and read the opcode of the instruction that it faulted on. Implementing this would involve changing the ABI, and we decided we did not want to make extensive changes to the ABI at this point

Tags on ELF binaries

We then wanted to define a mechanism for reading in tags from a file for file mapped memory. For this project, we decided to implement this by modifying ELF binaries. Future work might involve constructing a tagged filesystem, but for compatibility and portability we decided on ELF binaries. Currently, the kernel supports both tagged and non-tagged binaries and tagged binaries can run on non-tagged architectures. We currently support only static binaries

Modified binaries

I decided to modify ELF binaries by adding a section with tags in it. To focus primarily on getting it working, I implemented the tags section as a flat array where there is a byte (a tag only uses 4 of the 8 bits) for each word in the ELF binary’s virtual address space. The tag corresponding to a certain address can be retrieved by indexing into this section with the address.

Kernel modifications

Because we want to set tags whenever memory whenever we page fault a page in, I modified the page-in code used in the kernel. The code checks if the virtual memory it faulted on is mapped to an ELF binary. If it is, it then checks for a tag section on the binary. If it finds it, then it reads in the appropriate tags.

We considered several ways other read in tags. In particular, we considered modifying the user space loader to set tags dynamically similar to how it resolves library functions dynamically. However, we want to set tags whenever we page fault and the user space loader does not know when page faults occur. Thus, this method would have required us to define some sort of interface between the user and the kernel

Future work

This method of reading in tags from a file is not meant to be the final implementation. From a storage and performance perspective, there are a lot of improvements that can be made. In particular, it would be good to work on a more compact representation of the .tags section. Also, the current method of reading in the .tags section causes several extra disk reads on every page fault, which is quite a high performance overhead. This implementation also doesn’t support dynamic binaries and shared libraries, so future work could focus on implementing support for these as well.

Tags on branch targets

Tagged memory can be used to implement a simple form of control flow integrity by tagging valid branch targets. My focus was not so much deriving a scheme for control flow integrity as setting up the infrastructure to support a CFI scheme, which involved modifying Spike to support branch tag checking and logging branch targets.

Spike modifications

I modified branch and jump instructions in Spike to tag the next PC and implement checks defined as defined in release 4. I also modified the loop that Spike uses to run instructions to check pc_tag and insn_tag when running as defined in release 0.4. However, because Spike doesn’t really implement a tag pipeline, the point this check takes place isn’t identical to the hardware tag pipeline implementation detailed in the v0.4 lowRISC release.

Capturing branch targets

To log branch targets, I added print statements to branch and jump instructions in Spike to print out their targets to stderr if the processor is executing in user-mode.

Demoing New Functionality

I implemented a basic framework to put together demos. It is a bit clunky and hasn’t been tested extensively for corner cases, but it works well enough to run a demo testing out the added functionality. The basic strategy is to run a program in Spike, log the branch targets, and then tag those branch targets in the ELF binary. This doesn’t tag all possible targets, but should give something reasonably realistic for a simple demo or even benchmark.

Note that you do need to be careful about how you set up the program for tracing, so the actual run of the program matches the trace. In particular, I had to be careful with the tagctrl register. Ideally, you want to be able to leave control checks off while running the trace. However, setting the tagctrl register can add some extra instructions, so it may be necessary to turn off branch exceptions in Spike instead,.

Using the Framework

  1. Run Spike, making sure to redirect stderr to a file for the trace
    • This means the Spike debug interface is not available, but if you’re logging branch targets, probably everything is running well enough that you shouldn’t need the debug interface
  2. Boot Spike, run your binary in Spike at the command line. Run only your binary in Spike, because currently there is no way to distinguish branch targets from different processes
  3. Exit Spike and run ./parse_trace.sh
    • parse_trace takes a raw trace file and outputs all the branch targets between two addresses sorted in ascending order, eliminating duplicate targets. The output is meant to be used by elf_tagger
    • Usage: ./parse_trace [input file][output file][lower limit][higher limit]
  4. Run elf_tagger. You may want to add this step to make_root_spike.sh after you compile your target binary, to ensure the .tags section is always the right size.
    • elf_tagger takes an ELF binary and a sorted list of tag targets to produce tag section of the right size for an ELF binary. Tags the appropriate words based on the addresses given as targets
    • Usage: ./elf_tagger [binary] [output tag file] [targets]
  5. Run riscv-unknown-linux-gnu-objcopy --add-section .tags=[tag file] [ELF binary] to add the .tags section to the binary
  6. Run tagged binary in Spike


I have modified a couple of basic examples to be used as examples of this framework. stack_elf_tagged.c and ptr_elf_tagged.c can both be run with the instructions above and then used in Spike. Branch tags protect against a buffer overflow attack overwriting a return address on the stack in stack_elf_tagged and protect against a buffer overflow overwriting a function pointer in ptr_elf_tagged.c.

Future Work

Signal handling

To fully support tag exceptions where we are able to figure out exactly what caused the tag exception, we most likely want to have Spike generate traps with different causes for each tag exception. These traps can be caught in the kernel and then passed up to the user signal handler via new codes or a new/modified field in the siginfo struct.

Swap/debugging swap

Because tagging data on disk is not supported either in the swap system or the hardware, tags on memory must be harvested from the pages and saved manually and then restored when the page is swapped back in. Questions that must be addressed include where to store the saved tags and when to save and restore tags to pages

Some prior work has been done in this area by the Minos, UFO, and CHERI projects. All of these works use data structures in kernel memory to save tags for swapped out memory, harvesting the tags on page-out and restoring the tags on page in.

Similar to prior works, I chose to start by storing tags in memory, using a flat array to store all the tags for the pages in the swap space. This is quite expensive from a memory perspective, and there are optimizations available for future work. However, the main roadblock is in getting swap working and testing it.

Because Spike doesn’t support block devices, I set up a ramdisk as a block device. Using the brd module, I created a ramdisk and formatted it as an ext2 file system. I then created a file on the ramdisk to use as a swapfile. However, I found that writing to the swapfile at all has the potential to corrupt the ext2 filesystem. The corruption isn’t consistent (though it happens more often than not) and can occur at different points during testing. It’s unclear as of now whether this is a kernel bug or a Spike bug.

As this issue is not specific to tagged memory, I tried to test a similar configuration on FPGA to see if I would run into the same problem. However, it kept freezing when I put my swapfile on the SD card, and it started writing to the swap file. I also tried to do it with a ramdisk, but the boot process hung when it was supposed to be loading the brd module, so likely there is some issue with ramdisk on FPGA.

libc Modifications

Supporting user programs will also mean modifying some common library functions such as memcpy, memset, etc. to treat tags “properly”. The exact desired behaviour will depend on the tagging use-case. It may be enough to define simple versions of the functions that move tags in addition to data and users select which version of the function to use. Alternately, a more complex scheme may be needed where some bits in the page table or in the tag itself determines whether or not the tags are copied with the data.

CHERI has defined modified versions of certain library functions which could be helpful to reference in future implementations of library functions for lowRISC.

Github Repos