Tag support in the Rocket core


In our previous tagged-memory release, special instructions are added to read and write tags for words in memory. However, there is no easy way to use tags in checking anomalies, such as protecting the return address from being altered on stack (important for protection against control-flow hijacking) or triggering an exception when accessing a specific address (unlimited hardware watch-points). In this release, we incorporate these essential tag manipulation and check functions into the normal RISC-V instructions and the Rocket core, which enables support for a range of tag-related use cases. This is our first attempt to incorporate tag functionality into the core pipeline, which is far from a hardened SOC from a security perspective. More investigation and improvement will be made in following releases.

Extension to the Rocket core

To support built-in tag manipulation and check in the Rocket core, all general purpose registers (GPRs) and some exception related CSRs are extended with tags (excepted for x0 whose tag is hardwired to 0). The L1 instruction cache feeds the instruction decoder (ID) stage with instructions along with their tags. The L1 data cache is revised to store tags alongside data. Several tag processing units (tagProc) and tag check units (tagChck) are added to the various stages of the Rocket core pipeline and the L1 data cache pipeline, as shown in the diagram below. To allow tag propagation between register data and register tags, some multiplexers are added in the MEM stage.


Each tag unit added in the core pipeline executes a tag function, which can be enabled at run-time. Here is a summary of the various tag functions supported in the expanded Rocket core. Every function is controlled by a dedicated mask. The collection of all masks are placed in a 64-bit register called tagctrl. It is assumed that a 4-bit tag is attached to every 64-bit data word and every instruction (regardless to the size of the instruction) has a 2-bit tag which is correspondingly aligned to the 32-bit data boundary.

FunctionMaskPipeline Stage     Description
ALU tag propagationALU_PROP:4-bit tagctrl[7:4]EX tagProc[ALU] propagate tags from source to destination registers.
Load tag propagationLOAD_PROP:4-bit tagctrl[15:12]D$ tagProc[load/AMO] propagate tags from memory to the destination register.
Store tag propagationSTORE_PROP:4-bit tagctrl[23:20]D$ tagProc[store/AMO] propagate tags from rs2 to memory.
Store tag preservationSTORE_KEEP:4-bit tagctrl[27:24]D$ tagProc[store/AMO] preserve some tag bits form being cleared.
Jump tag propagationJMP_PROP:4-bit tagctrl[39:36]MEM tagProc[JAL/JALR] set the tag of the link register.
ALU tag checkALU_CHECK:4-bit tagctrl[3:0]EX tagChck[ALU] check if certain bits are set in the tags of source registers.
Load tag checkLOAD_CHECK:4-bit tagctrl[11:8]D$ tagChck[load/AMO] check if certain bits are set in the memory tag.
Store tag checkSTORE_CHECK:4-bit tagctrl[19:16]D$ tagChck[store/AMO] check if certain bits are set in the memory tag.
Instruction tag checkFETCH_CHECK:2-bit tagctrl[41:40]ID tagChck[all] check if certain bits are set in the instruction tag.
Jump tag checkJMP_CHECK:4-bit tagctrl[35:32]EX tagChck[JALR] check if certain bits are not set in the tag of rs1.
Directional target checkCFLOW_DIR_TGT:2-bit tagctrl[29:28]MEM tagChck[branch/JAL] if jump, check the instruction tag of the jump target.
Indirectional target checkCFLOW_INDIR_TGT:2-bit tagctrl[31:30]MEM tagChck[JALR] if jump, check the instruction tag of the jump target.

Similar to the previous release, two special instructions are provided to read and write the tag of a GPR (rather than a memory word in the previous release). These two instructions can be used to read/write tags in all privilege levels and are not affected by the ALU tag propagation and the ALU tag check masks.

TAGR  [   imm[11:0]  ][  rs1  ][ funct3 ][  rd   ][  opcode  ]
            12'd0        src     3'b000    dest    7'b1010111

TAGR rd, rs1;  // (rd, rd_t) <= (rs1_t, 0)

TAGW  [   imm[11:0]  ][  rs1  ][ funct3 ][  rd   ][  opcode  ]
            12'd0        src     3'b001    dest    7'b1010111

TAGW rd, rs1;  // (rd, rd_t) <= (rd, rs1)

ALU tag propagation and check

For any ALU instructions, such as add, addi, or, andi, etc., the tag of the destination register (rd_t) is updated according to the equation below. When rs2 is replaced with an immediate number, rs2_t is 0. At the same time, a tag check can be applied. An exception (xcpt!) is raised when the check fails.

rd_t <= (rs1_t | rs2_t) & ALU_PROP
((rs1_t | rs2_t) & ALU_CHECK) != 0 -> xcpt!

Load tag propagation and check

For any load or atomic memory operation, the tag from memory (mem_t) is copied to rd_t under the control of mask LOAD_PROP. This tag propagation ignores the width of the load and always overwrites all bits of rd_t. A check is performed on mem_t if the mask LOAD_CHECK is non-zero. This feature can be used for compartment isolation, memory safety or data watch-points.

rd_t <= mem_t & LOAD_PROP
(mem_t & LOAD_CHECK) != 0 -> xcpt!

Store tag propagation, preservation and check

For any store or atomic memory operation, the tag from rs2 (rs2_t) is copied to mem_t under the control of the mask STORE_PROP. At the same time, the STORE_KEEP mask prevents certain tag bits from being cleared by rs2_t. Like load, store tag propagation also ignores the data width and always overwrites all bits of mem_t. A check is performed on mem_t if the STORE_CHECK mask is non-zero. This feature can be used for type tags, fine-grained memory protection, or data watch-points.

mem_t <= (mem_t & STORE_KEEP) | (rs2_t & STORE_PROP)
(mem_t & STORE_CHECK) != 0 -> xcpt!

Instruction tag check

The tag of an instruction (inst_t) can be checked against the FETCH_CHECK mask. This feature can be used for breakpoints.

(inst_t & FETCH_CHECK) != 0 -> xcpt!

For a jump instruction, assuming jump is either unconditional or conditional but taken, a mask (CFLOW_INDIR_TGT for JALR otherwise CFLOW_DIR_TGT) is stored as the tag for the program counter (noted as pc_t) of the next instruction (the jump target). When the jump target is executed, its inst_t is checked against pc_t. This feature can be used to protect control flow integrity.

for directional jump:   pc_t <= CFLOW_DIR_TGT
for JALR:               pc_t <= CFLOW_INDIR_TGT
non-jump instructions:  pc_t <= 0
all instructions:       (inst_t & pc_t) != pc_t -> xcpt!

For indirect jumps, rs1_t can be checked against mask JMP_CHECK. Also for all unconditional jumps (JAL/JALR), mask JMP_PROP is used to set the tag of the link register (rd_t in this case).

for JALR:      JMP_CHECK != 0 && (rs1_t & JMP_CHECK) == 0 -> xcpt!
for JAL/JALR:  rd_t <= JMP_PROP

Program guidance

Here is a short discussion of how to utilise the tag functions in assembly programs.

The tag control register

The tag control register (tagctrl) is initialised to 0 after reset, which disables all tag propagation and checks. To enable a specific tag propagation or check function, a proper non-zero mask must be written to tagctrl.

In this release, the tagctrl register is mapped to a machine mode W/R CSR mtagctrl at address 0xbf0, which is then shadowed to a supervisor mode R/W CSR stagctrl at address 0x9f0 and a user mode R/W CSR utagctrl at address 0x8f0. Shadowed CSRs can be used to read the current value of tagctrl. When writing to a shadowed CSR, the writable bits are controlled by the two machine mode R/W CSRs mutagctrlen (0x7f0) and mstagctrlen (0x7f1) for user and supervisor modes respectively. The write operations comply with the following equations:

tagctrl <= (wdata & mutagctrlen) | (tagctrl & ~mutagctrlen)  // user mode
tagctrl <= (wdata & mstagctrlen) | (tagctrl & ~mstagctrlen)  // supervisor mode
tagctrl <= wdata                                             // machine mode

The initial values of mutagctrlen and mstagctrlen are all-ones to give full access to tagctrl in all modes. Note we are still investigating the proper mechanism for context switch. The definition of the tagctrl register is prone for further refinement.

A set of macros (TMASK_XXX and TSHIM_XXX) are provided in the encoding.h header file for easy tag function configuration.

Handle tag check exceptions

When a tag check fails, an TAG_CHECK_FAIL exception is raised with the cause CSR set to 0x10 and epc pointing to the exceptional instruction. It relies on the exception handler to check the specific failed function and clear the cause of the tag check failure. If the cause is not rectified, the program would end up in an infinite loop of tag exceptions.

The following CSRs are extended with tags and can be safely read/written using GPRs without losing tags.

CSR NameUsage
mepc, sepcpreserve the pc tag for the exceptional instruction.
mscratch, sscratchallow the scratch CSR used for preserve tags
mtvec, stvecspecial pc tag check for exception handler vector

When some tag checks are enabled, especially the jump related tag checks, you might want to disable them for exception handlers. Currently there is no atomic support for this feature. Example assembly sequences is provided to disable/enable tag checks for exception handlers. Note that these sequences must be used as macros rather than sub-routines as any jump may cause embedded exceptions.

; disable tag check and enable propagation for machine exception
#define ENTER_TAG_MACHINE         \
    csrr t5, mtagctrl;            \
    csrw mscratch, t5;            \
    li   t6, TMASK_ALU_PROP;      \
    li   t5, TMASK_LOAD_PROP;     \
    or   t6, t6, t5;              \
    li   t5, TMASK_STORE_PROP;    \
    or   t6, t6, t5;              \
    csrw mtagctrl, t6;            \

; recover to the tag configuration before exception
#define EXIT_TAG_MACHINE          \
    csrr t5, mscratch;            \
    csrw mtagctrl, t5;            \

Asynchronous Load/Store tag exceptions

Currently the exceptions caused by Load/Store tag checks may be asynchronous. If the load/store operation ends up missing in the L1 D$, the non-blocking D$ would fetch the missing cache line without blocking the core pipeline. The missed load/store instructions are processed out-of-order with the ALU instructions.

When the missing cache line is fetched later, it may fail in the tag check. An exception is still raised with the right exceptional pc but out-of-sync with the core pipeline. This behaviour leads to two issues: asynchronous tag exception and miscounting the retired instructions (retire CSR).

The error towards the number of retired instructions is small. As for the asynchronous tag exception, a later release will fix this issue by rolling-back the core pipeline with a reorder buffer. For this release, the fence.i instruction can be used to enforce synchronous load/store exceptions, but with a high overhead.

Tag regression tests

A relatively thorough regression test suite is provided for the tag functions in vsim/riscv-tests/tag. It is possible to run this test suite by executing

make run-tag-tests

in the vsim directory.