Tutorial for the v0.4 lowRISC release

By Jonathan Kimmitt, Wei Song and Alex Bradbury (also see acknowledgements below)

Release version 0.4 (06-2017)


lowRISC is a not-for-profit organisation whose goal is to produce a fully open source System-on-Chip (SoC) in volume. We are building upon RISC-V processor core implementations from the RISC-V team at UC Berkeley. We will produce a SoC design to populate a low-cost community development board and to act as an ideal starting point for derivative open-source and commercial designs.

In previous tutorials you can learn about trace debugging, the initial tagged memory implementation or how to run the design on an FPGA using our original untethered implementation.

This tutorial adds further functionality towards the final SoC design:

The trace infrastructure is still available but standalone operation with keyboard/display is now possible for the end-user.

The build environment and pre-built images support the same platform as the previous releases, a competitively priced Nexys™4 DDR Artix-7 FPGA Board.

Rocket Priv. Spec.??1.7nearly 1.91
Tagged memory**
untethered operation***
SD cardtetheredSPISPISD
UART consoletetheredstandardstandard/tracestandard/trace/VGA
PS/2 keyboard*
Minion Core*
Kernel md5 boot check*
PC-free operation*


  1. Overview of the Minion system
  2. Prepare the environment

  3. Tagged memory developments

  4. Other

  5. Release notes

Work planned / In progress / TO DO


Other useful sources of information